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  1. Digital Field Trip to the Rainforest, The (1999 Multimedia)


    An interactive CD-ROM that uses virtual reality technology to visit a reserve in Belize to explore the ecology and importance of rain forests and encourage an awareness of the importance of rain forest...

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  2. Prince Charles speech on environment (1990)

    News report; Speech

    John Allen, LBC Crown FM environment correspondent, reports on a speech at Kew Gardens by Prince Charles, Prince of Wales calling for swift international action to save the world’s tropical rain forests...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  3. Ocean Sound This Week No.23: Programme 23 of a weekly news and sports review (1987)

    OCEAN SOUND THIS WEEK NO. 23 Programme 23 of a weekly news and sports review called Ocean Sound This Week, broadcast by independent radio station Ocean Sound on 27 March 1987. Presented by MATT HOPPER. TRACK...

    ILR South ILR South Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  4. Voice for the Wilderness, A (1984 Video)

    Michael Blason; Chris Wilcox
    Environmental science
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 48 min.

    An emotive plea for the preservation of Australian forests, and particularly of the rain forests of the Hastings River area. Portrays the destruction of huge areas of forest in the past 200 years since the...

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  5. Green Animation Video (199 Video)

    Environmental science
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. ?? min., 1998 sale: £10.99 (inc. VAT +p&p)

    A compilation of 25 short animated films on environmental topics, including pollution, waste, acid rain, forests and urban development.

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  6. Molecule Mine, The (1990 Video)

    Chris Warren
    Jenny Ranson
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 28 min., 2000 sale: £30.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Shows how Western scientists are drawing on the knowledge of the native inhabitants of tropical rain forests to examine new species of plants previously unknown to them - plants that could provide new...

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  7. Global Ideas: Forests (2011)

    Geography; Science
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 30 minutes), £49.00 (DVD), £20.00 (1 Year Digital Licence), £49.00 (3 Year Digital Licence)

    This film contains four case studies, each looking at a certain aspect of forests. Part 1 looks at Brazil’s tropical rainforests; Part 2 looks at ways in which farmers are combating desertification in...

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  8. Fate of the Forests (1983)

    Alan Pendry
    Douglas Gordon
    Development studies; Environmental science
    Out of distribution, Videocassette. U-matic, VHS. col. 27 min.

    Assesses the causes and effects of destroying tropical rainforests. Rural families of the Third World need firewood for fuel and timber is a valuable currency earner. Describes the efforts being made...

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  9. Discovery Channel: Spirits of the Rainforest (1993 Video)

    Ginger Kathrens
    Biology; Environmental science
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 100 min., 2000 sale: £10.99 (inclusive) ILC

    Visits the Manu Biosphere Reserve in the Amazon region, the world’s largest rain-forest preserve. The pristine environment contains more species of animals than any other on earth.

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  10. Baka: A Cry from the Rain Forest (2014)

    Phil Agland
    Phil Agland
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 89 minutes), £14/£16 Blu-Ray

    Returning to the same Baka village that he filmed in 1987, filmmaker Phil Agland learns how the passage of twenty-five years has changed the informants from his first film. The documentation of the...

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