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  1. African Answer, An (2010)

    Alan Channer
    Politics & government
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 40 minutes), £10.00

    More than one thousand people were killed following disputed elections in Kenya at the end of 2007. Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor Jame Wuye - former militia leaders turned peace-makers from Nigeria - were...

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  2. Beyond Forgiving (2013)

    Imo Karam
    Religious studies; Social Studies
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 30 minutes), £15.50

    A documentary depicting the journey of Gin Fourie and Letlapa Mphahlele from South Africa in bringing healing and reconciliation to their country. Gin and Letlapa form an unlikely team; a white Christian...

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  3. Two Boys and an Orange

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL), £35.00

    Training film and conflict resolution exercise based on the simple scenario of two boys contesting the possession of an orange, and depicting a variety of outcomes. The orange can represent any contested...

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  4. The Man Who Built Peace: The Frank Buchman Story

    Social Studies
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 60 minutes), £15.00

    Following a personal experience of transformation, Frank Buchman set out to pass on that experience to the world and helped shape the course of history. He was a revolutionary thinker and leader whose...

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  5. Prisoners’ Dilemma

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL), £35

    A training package which confronts the concept of co-operation exploring notions of trust, loyalty, betrayal and defection. Two men are arrested. The police want to charge one of them with a serious crime...

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  6. Prisoner’s Dilemma

    Psychology; Social Studies
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL), £35.00

    This training film focuses on the concept of cooperation. Based on a classic scenario, it explores notions of trust and loyalty; betrayal and defection. Two men are arrested. The police want to charge one of...

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