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  1. Shakespeare’s England in 1606 (2018 Audio)

    Nt Talks

    Audio podcast. Mark Lawson talks to American author James Shapiro about the events of 1606, the year in which Shakespeare is reputed to have written Antony and Cleopatra, King Lear and Macbeth, also touching...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  2. Year of Lear, The (2015 Audio)

    Shakespeare Unlimited
    Richard Paul

    Podcast from the Folger Shakespeare Library. 1606 was a critical year for Shakespeare’s creative career. It was the year in which he wrote King Lear, Macbeth, and Antony and Cleopatra. It was also a time...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  3. 1606: William Shakespeare and the Year of Lear. 4: Religion (2015 Radio)

    Book of the Week
    Gaynor Macfarlane

    Radio broadcast. A reading by Ian McDiarmid of James Shapiro’s book of the same title which is an account of the extraordinary year in which Shakespeare wrote King Lear, Macbeth and Antony and Cleopatra....

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  4. 1606: William Shakespeare and the Year of Lear. 1: The Theatre (2015 Radio)

    Book of the Week
    Gaynor Macfarlane

    Radio broadcast. A reading by Ian McDiarmid of James Shapiro’s book of the same title which is an account of the extraordinary year in which Shakespeare wrote King Lear, Macbeth and Antony and Cleopatra....

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  5. Macbeth and the Gunpowder Plot of 1606 (2021 Video)

    Recording of an online event held using Zoom in which Erin Sloan and guests (including Dr Jim Horne, Barbara Zahora and Tyler Madeley) explore how the gunpowder plot of 1605 may have influenced Shakespeare...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  6. 1606: William Shakespeare and the Year of Lear. 3: Plague (2015 Radio)

    Book of the Week
    Gaynor Macfarlane

    Radio broadcast. A reading by Ian McDiarmid of James Shapiro’s book of the same title which is an account of the extraordinary year in which Shakespeare wrote King Lear, Macbeth and Antony and Cleopatra....

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  7. 1606: William Shakespeare and the Year of Lear. 2: The Gunpowder Plot (2015 Radio)

    Book of the Week
    Gaynor Macfarlane

    Radio broadcast. A reading by Ian McDiarmid of James Shapiro’s book of the same title which is an account of the extraordinary year in which Shakespeare wrote King Lear, Macbeth and Antony and Cleopatra....

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  8. King Lear on Boxing Day (2006 Radio)

    Beaty Rubens

    Radio programme celebrating the four hundreth anniversary of the performance of King Lear, the new play offered to King James I and his guests at Whitehall Palace on Boxing Day 1606. Presenter Francine Stock...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  9. Shakespeare’s Restless World: The Theatres of Cruelty (2012 Radio)

    Shakespeare’s Restless World
    Paul Kobrak

    Penultimate episode in a twenty-part radio series in which the director of the British Museum, Neil MacGregor, presents an object-based history of the time of Shakespeare to explore how Elizabethan and...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  10. Tragedy of Macbeth, The (1971 Radio)

    Raymond Raikes

    Radio version of Shakespeare’s tragedy arranged and produced for broadcasting by Raymond Raikes starring Joss Ackland and Googie Withers in the lead. The music by Stephen Dodgson is conducted by Rae Jenkins.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
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